COVID-19 has people grabbing at any information they can find about how to protect themselves and fight off illness. So far, there is no cure for COVID-19 regardless of what may be purported online. Gargling with bleach (or just gargling in general) seems to be a popular one that I have seen circulating the internet! Please do not do this!

Other suggested remedies, like chiropractic adjustments, taking supplements, drinking teas, or using essential oils, will certainly not harm us and likely improve aspects of our health. With COVID-19 on everyone’s minds, general health-boosting practices should not be forgotten.

Superfoods have been a popular topic in health-conscious circles, and for good reason: although it is not a medically recognized term, superfoods are those foods which are highly dense with a variety of nutrients. Such nutrients are vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrient compounds, fatty acids, and other components that benefit a person’s health and well-being.

Any viral illness can be strong but our bodies can be stronger and fight back. While we frantically search for toilet paper, take a moment to swing by the produce section of the grocery store and stock up on foods that will fight back!

Here is a list of the top 10 superfoods:

1) Kale: is one of those leafy green vegetables we all talk about eating more of. As a whole, leafy green vegetables provide vitamins A, K, C, and the B vitamins. They also contain minerals such as manganese and calcium. Kale is no different and represents a whole-food category that should be on our plates every day! Sautéing kale ever so slightly will make them easier to digest as well as give them a slight crunch (add salt and you’ve got yourself an addicting healthy snack!).

2) Avocados: are top on people’s minds when they think of healthy fats (and they’re right!). Even better, avocados are also rich in potassium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K. Spread avocado on toast, sliced in a salad, as a topping in a Buddha bowl or homemade chili, or blended in a green smoothie!

3) Blueberries: are the quintessential example of a superfood. They are full of phytonutrients, antioxidants, manganese, and vitamins C and K. Enjoy them alone or as yummy toppings on salads, cereals, oatmeal, yogurt, or in smoothies!

4) Salmon: is one of the healthiest fish you can eat. Wild Alaskan (Pacific) salmon is a very low-mercury fish and is the only preferred salmon to eat (most salmon is Atlantic salmon and contains high levels of mercury). Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that not only fight inflammation but also impact brain health and protect against neurodegenerative diseases. Wild caught Pacific salmon is also found as a canned item which is a good option for a quick way to make salmon patties or as a dip for crackers.

5) Wheatgrass: comes from the sprouted leaves of the wheat plant. It does not contain any of the wheat seed and so is naturally gluten free. It contains iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as chlorophyll. It is great to add to smoothies!

6) Flaxseeds: are yet another food known for its healthy fat. The fat in flaxseeds can be converted into omega-3 fatty acids, the same type of fat in salmon. Flaxseeds also contain thiamine (an amino acid), phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, protein, and fiber! Enjoy them in salads, on oatmeal, in granola or hummus, or as a liquid as a dressing. To get the most benefit out of flaxseeds, buy them whole and then grind them fresh right before eating them.

7) Coconuts: contain another type of beneficial fatty acid called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT’s). This type of fat supports our gut health and has antioxidant properties. Coconut oil in particular can help in losing weight, preventing bone loss, and keeping hair healthy. Better yet, coconut oil is a great cooking oil (unlike cold-pressed oils) and can also be used in baked goods.

8) Green tea: is the champion of the detox world and helps our bodies increase the production of detoxification compounds. Further, green tea strengthens our immune system, protects our liver, boosts metabolism, and decreases our risk for heart disease. Of the types of green tea, matcha green tea contains more concentrated antioxidants. Feel free to drink a couple cups a day!

9) Cinnamon: is loved by all, but isn’t only for fall-time treats. It is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood sugar and cholesterol as well as decrease inflammation. Cinnamon can be sprinkled in yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, pancakes, or toast for a fun way to spice things up!

10) Ginger: has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years. It contains a polyphenol called gingerol that’s able to relieve nausea, increase memory, decrease high blood sugar, and reduce muscle pain. Buy fresh ginger and shave some into a smoothie or a salad. It can also be an ingredient in sauces or spice blends in a powdered form. Drinking ginger tea is another way to enjoy its benefits.

Since we are spending more time at home these days and practicing social distancing, why not also practice incorporating more of these superfoods into our meals? We certainly have the time and grocery stores are not going to run out!